Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large
Sunstone Natural | X Large

    Sunstone Natural | X Large


      Sunstone, with its warm and radiant appearance, is a captivating gemstone known for embodying the energy of the sun. Renowned for its associations with optimism, joy, and abundance, Sunstone is a favorite among those seeking to infuse their lives with positivity and vitality. Whether worn as jewelry, placed in the home, or used in meditation, Sunstone shines as a symbol of the sun's life-affirming energy.

      Sunstone, "The Radiant Gem of Optimism and Abundance," invites you to bask in the sun's energy and embrace a life filled with joy, positivity, and prosperity. Whether used for its metaphysical properties or cherished for its sunny aesthetic, Sunstone serves as a constant reminder to shine brightly and attract the abundance you deserve.

      • Optimism and Joy: Sunstone is celebrated for its ability to bring optimism and joy into the lives of those who connect with it. It radiates uplifting energy, dispelling negativity and encouraging a positive outlook.
      • Abundance: This gem is associated with attracting abundance and prosperity. It is believed to enhance opportunities for success, wealth, and overall well-being.
      • Vitality: Sunstone is known for boosting vitality and energy levels. It is thought to provide a natural and uplifting source of motivation, helping individuals overcome challenges with a sense of enthusiasm.


      Chakras: Sunstone primarily resonates with the Sacral (Swadhisthana) and Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakras:

      • Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Sunstone stimulates the sacral chakra, promoting creativity, emotional balance, and passion.
      • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): This gemstone activates the solar plexus chakra, fostering confidence, personal power, and a strong sense of self.

      Zodiacs: Sunstone is often associated with the zodiac sign Leo, aligning with Leo's qualities of courage, optimism, and a vibrant personality. However, it can benefit individuals of various astrological backgrounds.

      Elemental Affinity: Sunstone is linked to the element of Fire, symbolizing passion, creativity, and the transformative power of the sun.

      Sun Exposure: Sunstone is safe for exposure to sunlight, and its radiant appearance may even be enhanced by natural light. Basking in sunlight is considered a way to recharge its energy.

      Water Exposure: Sunstone is generally safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble. However, prolonged exposure to water should be avoided to maintain its luster.


      How to Use: Explore the vibrant and uplifting qualities of Sunstone through various applications:

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Sunstone jewelry to carry its optimistic and abundance-attracting energies throughout the day, all while enjoying its warm and sparkling appearance.
      • Meditation: Use Sunstone in meditation to enhance vitality, boost creativity, and connect with the joyful energy of the sun.
      • Home Decor: Place Sunstone in your living or working spaces to infuse the environment with its positive and uplifting vibrations, promoting a sense of well-being.


          Weight Range: 150-250g

          All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.