Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone
Larvikite Worry Stone

    Larvikite Worry Stone


      Larvikite, with its enigmatic beauty and key metaphysical properties, invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, guided by the Earth's ancient wisdom.

      Larvikite, often hailed as the Mystic Norwegian Stone, stands as a testament to the intriguing beauty found within the Earth's crust. With its unique composition and captivating appearance, Larvikite is more than a geological wonder – it carries key properties that resonate with mystery and transformation.

      Mystical Composition: Larvikite is a monzonitic feldspar rock, renowned for its stunning play of colors, including shades of silver-gray, black, and blue. The presence of iridescent flashes, known as "schiller," adds a mystical quality to its appearance.

      Energies of Transformation: Beyond its visual allure, Larvikite is believed to possess transformative energies. It is associated with enhancing one's psychic abilities and fostering a deep connection with inner wisdom. Embracing Larvikite is said to encourage self-discovery and personal growth.

      Protective Shield: Larvikite is often regarded as a protective stone, creating a shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. It is thought to promote mental clarity and help in making decisions that align with one's higher purpose.


      Chakras: Larvikite resonates strongly with the Root and Third Eye chakras:

      • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Larvikite's grounding energy connects individuals with the Earth, fostering a sense of stability and security.

      • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): The stone's mystical properties are believed to stimulate the Third Eye, enhancing intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.

      Zodiac Affinity: While Larvikite doesn't have specific ties to zodiac signs, its transformative and protective qualities make it a valuable companion for individuals of various astrological backgrounds.

      Elemental Connection: Linked to the elements of Earth and Water, Larvikite embodies the grounding forces of the Earth and the fluidity of intuitive wisdom.

      Sun and Water Exposure: Larvikite can be exposed to sunlight for short durations to cleanse and recharge its energies. As for water exposure, the stone is generally considered safe for cleansing.


      How to Use: Explore the potential of Larvikite in different ways:

      • Meditation: Incorporate Larvikite into your meditation practice to enhance spiritual insights and connect with your inner self.

      • Jewelry: Wear Larvikite as jewelry, allowing its energies to accompany you throughout the day while enjoying its aesthetic appeal.

      • Home Décor: Display Larvikite in your living spaces to introduce its protective and transformative energies into your home environment.


        All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.