Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large
Fire Quartz Natural | X Large

    Fire Quartz Natural | X Large


      Fire Quartz is a remarkable crystal that combines the beauty and energy-amplifying qualities of quartz with the grounding and protective attributes of hematite. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or incorporated into energy healing practices, Fire Quartz can help you maintain emotional balance, amplify your intentions, and stay grounded and protected in your daily life.

      • Amplification: Fire Quartz combines the amplification properties of quartz with the grounding and protective properties of hematite. It's believed to intensify one's energy and intentions.

      • Emotional Balance: It is associated with promoting emotional balance, harmony, and a sense of security. This makes it a valuable tool for emotional healing and stability.

      • Grounding and Protection: Hematite inclusions in Fire Quartz provide grounding and protective energies, helping individuals stay centered and shielded from negative influences.


      Chakras: Fire Quartz is often associated with the Root chakra (Muladhara) due to its grounding and protective qualities.

      Zodiacs: While not specifically associated with zodiac signs, Fire Quartz can benefit individuals seeking emotional stability and enhanced energy.

      Elemental Affinity: Fire Quartz is connected to the element of Earth, symbolizing grounding, stability, and protection.

      Sun Exposure: Fire Quartz can be exposed to sunlight for cleansing and recharging. However, avoid prolonged direct sunlight to maintain its color and properties.

      Water Exposure: Fire Quartz is safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble.

      How to Use: Fire Quartz can be used in various ways to harness its properties:

      • Meditation: Incorporate Fire Quartz into your meditation practice to amplify your intentions, promote emotional balance, and facilitate grounding.

      • Jewelry: Wear Fire Quartz jewelry, such as pendants or bracelets, to carry its energies with you throughout the day.

      • Healing Work: Fire Quartz is sometimes used in energy healing practices to assist in emotional healing and maintaining energetic balance.


          Weight Range: 150-250g

          All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.