Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large
Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large

    Fuchsite Natural | XXX Large


      Fuchsite, with its vibrant green hue and healing properties, is a crystal that encourages self-worth, emotional healing, and compassion. Whether you incorporate it into your meditation, wear it as jewelry, or keep it in your sacred space, Fuchsite's positive energy can be a valuable addition to your life and well-being.

      Fuchsite is a beautiful green mineral that belongs to the mica group. Its distinct green color is due to the presence of chromium in its composition. Fuchsite is known for its sparkling, reflective quality and is often used in the world of gemstones and crystal healing.

      Fuchsite is easily recognizable by its bright, emerald-green color. It forms in thin, plate-like crystals that can exhibit a shimmering or reflective quality, which is why it's sometimes referred to as "chrome mica."


      Metaphysical Properties: Fuchsite is associated with several metaphysical properties and is believed to bring about the following benefits:

      • Self-Worth and Confidence: Fuchsite is thought to enhance one's sense of self-worth and confidence, promoting a positive self-image.

      • Emotional Healing: It's believed to assist in emotional healing and release, helping individuals let go of past emotional traumas and foster a more positive outlook.

      • Heart Chakra Activation: Fuchsite is often associated with the heart chakra, making it a stone of compassion, love, and forgiveness.

      • Manifestation: Some practitioners believe that Fuchsite can aid in manifesting one's desires and goals.


      Chakras: Fuchsite is primarily associated with the Heart chakra (Anahata), aligning with its properties of love, compassion, and emotional healing.

      Zodiac: While Fuchsite is not traditionally linked to specific zodiac signs, it can be appreciated and utilized by individuals of all astrological backgrounds.

      Elemental Affinity: Fuchsite's elemental affinity is often attributed to Earth, making it grounding and supportive of stability and growth.

      Sun Exposure: Fuchsite can be exposed to sunlight for cleansing and recharging. However, avoid prolonged direct sunlight to maintain its vibrant color and properties.

      Water Exposure: Fuchsite can be gently cleansed with water, as it is not water-soluble.


      How to Use: Fuchsite can be utilized in various ways to tap into its potential:

      • Meditation: Incorporate Fuchsite into your meditation practice to connect with its heart-centered, healing energies.

      • Jewelry: Wear Fuchsite as jewelry, such as necklaces, pendants, or bracelets, to keep its positive influence with you throughout the day.

      • Altar or Sacred Space: Place Fuchsite on your altar or in your sacred space to enhance the energies of love, healing, and self-worth.


          Weight Range: 400-600g

          All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.