Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large
Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large

    Quantum Quattro Natural | X Large


      Quantum Quattro is a unique and powerful crystal blend that combines several minerals, including Shattuckite, Dioptase, Malachite, Chrysocolla, and Smoky Quartz. This extraordinary combination creates a synergy of energies that resonate with healing, spiritual growth, and emotional balance. Quantum Quattro is not only visually stunning but also holds a profound connection to higher realms, making it a sought-after gem for those on a spiritual journey.

      Quantum Quattro, with its diverse mineral composition, invites you to embark on a journey of holistic healing, spiritual expansion, and emotional well-being. Its unique blend of energies provides a supportive foundation for those seeking alignment, clarity, and connection with higher realms.

      • Healing and Cleansing: Quantum Quattro carries strong healing energies, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is believed to cleanse and align all the chakras, creating a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.
      • Spiritual Growth: This crystal blend is associated with spiritual growth and expansion. It facilitates a deeper connection with higher consciousness, guides, and angels, making it a valuable tool for meditation and spiritual practices.
      • Emotional Balance: Quantum Quattro brings emotional balance and clarity. It is known for helping individuals release emotional blockages, fostering inner peace, and promoting a positive outlook on life.


      Chakras: Quantum Quattro harmonizes with multiple chakras, including the Heart (Anahata) and Third Eye (Ajna):

      • Heart Chakra (Anahata): Quantum Quattro supports emotional healing and balance within the heart space.
      • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): This crystal enhances intuition and inner sight, aiding in spiritual growth and awareness.

      Zodiacs: Quantum Quattro is appreciated by individuals of various zodiac signs for its holistic healing and spiritual qualities.

      Elemental Affinity: With its combination of minerals, Quantum Quattro embodies the elemental energies of Earth and Water. This symbolizes grounding, stability, and the flow of emotional well-being.

      Sun Exposure: Quantum Quattro is generally safe for exposure to sunlight. However, as with many crystals, prolonged exposure may affect its color and vibrational properties.

      Water Exposure: This crystal blend can be cleansed with water without harm. It is advisable to use a gentle method to maintain its integrity.


      How to Use: Explore the transformative and harmonizing qualities of Quantum Quattro through various applications:

      • Meditation: Use Quantum Quattro in meditation to tap into its spiritual energies, enhance intuition, and experience emotional healing.
      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Quantum Quattro jewelry to carry its harmonious vibrations throughout the day while enjoying its captivating beauty.
      • Sacred Space: Place Quantum Quattro in your sacred space to create an atmosphere of spiritual growth, healing, and emotional balance.


      Weight Range: 150-250g

      All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.