Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g
Golden Healer Natural Point 14g

    Golden Healer Natural Point 14g


      Golden Healer Quartz, "The Master Healer," with its unique golden hue, is a potent tool for healing and personal transformation. Whether used in meditation, energy healing, or amplifying the energies of other crystals, it is a constant source of rejuvenation and personal growth. This remarkable crystal reminds us of the powerful healing potential that resides within us.

      Golden Healer Quartz, "The Master Healer," is a remarkable crystal known for its powerful healing and transformative properties. It is a type of clear quartz that has a distinct, warm, golden hue. This unique coloration is due to the presence of iron oxide in the crystal. Golden Healer Quartz is highly regarded for its ability to facilitate deep healing on all levels, providing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation.

      • Healing Energy: Golden Healer Quartz emits a strong healing energy, which can be harnessed for various forms of healing work. It is particularly associated with physical healing and enhancing the body's natural ability to recover and repair.
      • Amplification: Like other clear quartz varieties, Golden Healer Quartz amplifies energy and intentions. It enhances the power of other crystals and spiritual practices, making it a valuable tool for energy workers and healers.
      • Spiritual Growth: This crystal supports spiritual growth and personal development. It encourages a deeper connection with one's inner self, higher consciousness, and spiritual guides, making it a valuable aid in meditation and self-discovery.

      Chakras: Golden Healer Quartz is often associated with the Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) due to its warm, golden color. This chakra governs personal power, self-esteem, and physical healing.

      Zodiacs: Golden Healer Quartz is not commonly associated with specific zodiac signs, making it suitable for individuals of various astrological backgrounds who seek its healing and amplifying properties.

      Elemental Affinity: Golden Healer Quartz is linked to the elements of Earth and Fire, symbolizing grounding, strength, and transformation.

      Sun Exposure: Golden Healer Quartz can be exposed to sunlight for cleansing and recharging. However, avoid prolonged direct sunlight to maintain its color and properties.

      Water Exposure: Golden Healer Quartz can be gently cleansed with water as it is not water-soluble. It is important to note that iron oxide inclusions in this crystal may lead to rusting or changes in its appearance over time when exposed to water.


      How to Use: Golden Healer Quartz offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Use Golden Healer Quartz in meditation to connect with its powerful healing energies and promote spiritual growth. Holding it during meditation can enhance your experience.
      • Healing Work: For physical or emotional healing, place Golden Healer Quartz on the affected area or incorporate it into energy healing practices to amplify the healing process.
      • Energy Amplification: Use Golden Healer Quartz to enhance the energies of other crystals and healing modalities.


      • Weight: 14g