Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g
Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g

    Dioptase Mineral Specimen 48g


      Meaning & Energy

      Dioptase is a vibrant talisman of the heart that can help one relinquish extremely sensitive emotions such as grief, trauma, depression, anxiety, and self-hate. This special mineral exposes one’s heart and brings about soothing waves of life force energy that helps “reset” one’s emotional body. Each day this stone will pull out more strength from one’s body that may have gone dormant. This strength will eventually become so overwhelming that it will naturally raise one's self confidence and courage levels, forcing you to take action and make a change. This change can be something as small as removing a bad habit from your lifestyle or taking on a new activity that will help you grow on the path you ever so desire.

      Understand Emotional Pain

      We strongly recommend this crystal for anyone struggling with emotional pain. Sometimes one must understand that the answer isn’t physical and the change isn’t instant. Dioptase will teach you that vital lesson, along with life’s most important tool, patience. This mineral is very rare and hard to come by, just know that whenever Dioptase comes into your life, it is for a very special reason. Purchase this stone if possible and begin to work with it immediately. Its energies can be felt to the touch with a cool, calming sensation slowly overtaking one’s body.


          Weight: 48g