Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g
Sodalite Polished Point 46g

    Sodalite Polished Point 46g


      Sodalite, with its captivating deep blue hues and occasional white veining, is a crystal renowned for enhancing intuition and fostering clear communication. This gemstone has a rich history and is cherished for its ability to stimulate mental abilities while bringing a sense of calm and order.

      Sodalite, "The Stone of Intuition and Communication," invites you to embrace the depths of your inner wisdom and express yourself with clarity. Whether utilized for its intuitive properties, communication enhancement, or appreciated as a beautiful gem, Sodalite remains a symbol of intellectual and emotional balance.

      • Intuition and Insight: Sodalite is celebrated for its ability to heighten intuition and stimulate mental clarity. It is believed to open the third eye, enhancing perception and insight.
      • Communication: This crystal is associated with promoting clear and honest communication. It is thought to support verbal expression and enhance one's ability to articulate thoughts and feelings.
      • Mind Stimulation: Sodalite is known for its capacity to stimulate mental processes, making it a valuable tool for those seeking intellectual growth, learning, and problem-solving.


      Chakras: Sodalite primarily resonates with the Third Eye (Ajna) and Throat (Vishuddha) chakras:

      • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Sodalite stimulates the third eye, promoting intuition, inner vision, and heightened awareness.
      • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): This crystal supports clear communication and self-expression, empowering individuals to express themselves with clarity and confidence.

      Zodiacs: Sodalite is often associated with Sagittarius, enhancing their natural qualities and promoting a harmonious balance between intuition and communication.

      Elemental Affinity: Linked to the element of Water, Sodalite symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the flow of clear communication.

      Sun Exposure: Sodalite can be exposed to sunlight for short durations, but prolonged exposure may affect its color and appearance. Caution is advised to maintain its vibrancy.

      Water Exposure: Sodalite is generally safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble. Gentle cleansing enhances its energy.


      How to Use: Explore the versatile ways to incorporate Sodalite into your daily practices:

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Sodalite jewelry to carry its intuitive and communicative energies throughout the day while enjoying its serene blue tones.
      • Meditation: Use Sodalite in meditation to activate the third eye, enhance intuition, and foster mental clarity. Hold it in your hands or place it on your forehead for optimal effect.
      • Communication Aid: Keep Sodalite nearby during conversations, presentations, or public speaking engagements to support clear and effective communication.
      • Learning and Studying: Place Sodalite on your study or work desk to enhance mental focus, stimulate learning, and promote problem-solving.


      • Weight: 46g