White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull
White Aventurine Mini Skull

    White Aventurine Mini Skull


      White Aventurine appears from a rich snow white to a lesser white color and can be translucent. White Aventurine is a form of Quartz with Mica inclusions. These inclusions give the stone a sparkle effect.

      White Aventurine is a mirror to the soul. The Mica inclusions add a unique energy as they "provide reflective qualities so that one can recognize the flaws of humanity and can remain in a heart space to continue to love this same humanity."

      White Aventurine is used to facilitate clarity in visions. It provides for self reflection, and allows one to recognize that "in each person you see but the reflection of that which you choose to have that person be."