Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite
Orgonite Pyramid Selenite

    Orgonite Pyramid Selenite


      Selenite enhances clarity of the mind and concentration, expanding one's awareness of the self and of one's surroundings and having a positive effect on the brain. It soothes the nerves and enhances willpower.


      1. MIND: For conscious perception and dissolution of personal patterns
      2. BODY: Firms up the tissues and relieves pain.
      3. SPIRIT: Shielding, control, a stronghold
      4. SOUL: Calms irritation and hyperactivity; protects against loss of control; helps withdraw
      5. ZODIAC: Taurus
      6. CHAKRAS: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)


                Weight Range: Approximately 80x80x80mm

                All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you