Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small
Organic White Sage | Small

    Organic White Sage | Small


      Native Americans have used white sage for its medicinal properties for centuries. Sage offers antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties to promote overall health and target emerging infections. It is also used as a diuretic and a stimulant.

      Sage smudging is used to begin a spiritual spring cleaning for your soul or your house. Burning sage in your home allows you to remove all the negative energies and experiences from the room. (For best results, work on one room at a time)

      • To start, open the windows and doors to provide the negative energy with an escape route.
      • Light the sage smudging stick and leave it to burn until it begins to emit smoke.
      • Once the cleansing smoke arrives, keep your intentions in mind and with the stick in your hand, make your way through the room, rotating clockwise as you move through the room.
      • Continue until peace and love begin to fill the room while sending the negative energies away.


      All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.