Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g
Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g

    Rhodonite Obelisk with Cavity 322g


      Rhodonite is a beautiful pink to reddish-brown mineral known for its striking color and powerful metaphysical properties. This gem, with its unique patterns of black manganese oxide, is celebrated for its associations with love, compassion, and balance. Rhodonite is not only visually appealing but also serves as a supportive companion for those seeking emotional healing, self-discovery, and harmonious relationships.

      Rhodonite, "The Stone of Compassion and Balance," invites you to embrace love, compassion, and equilibrium. Whether worn as a talisman, used in meditation, or integrated into your living spaces, Rhodonite radiates a gentle and supportive energy that encourages emotional healing and self-discovery.

      • Compassion and Love: Rhodonite is often referred to as a stone of compassion. It is associated with promoting love, kindness, and emotional balance, making it a valuable tool for fostering harmonious relationships.
      • Emotional Healing: This crystal is linked to emotional healing, assisting in the release of past traumas, calming emotional wounds, and encouraging forgiveness.
      • Balance and Grounding: Rhodonite is believed to bring balance to emotions and foster a sense of grounding. It encourages stability and helps individuals navigate life's challenges with grace.


      Chakras: Rhodonite is primarily associated with the Heart (Anahata) chakra, enhancing its properties of love, compassion, and emotional balance.

      Zodiacs: While not specifically associated with any particular zodiac sign, Rhodonite is appreciated by individuals of various astrological backgrounds for its heart-opening and balancing properties.

      Elemental Affinity: Rhodonite is often connected to the Earth element, symbolizing grounding energy and a deep connection with the natural world.

      Sun Exposure: Rhodonite is generally safe for brief exposure to sunlight. Prolonged exposure may affect its color, so caution is advised.

      Water Exposure: Rhodonite is safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble.


      How to Use: Explore the ways in which Rhodonite can enhance your life:

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Rhodonite jewelry to carry its loving and balancing energies throughout the day while enjoying its unique patterns.
      • Meditation: Use Rhodonite in meditation to open the heart, release emotional blockages, and cultivate a sense of compassion and balance.
      • Home Decor: Display Rhodonite in your living spaces to create a harmonious atmosphere, promoting emotional well-being and stability.


        • Weight: 322g
        • Size: 14cm

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