Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg
Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg

    Himalayan Quartz Cluster with Inclusions ShowPiece 2.6kg


      Himalayan Quartz, "The Crystal of Pure Energy," is a gemstone that resonates with the frequencies of clarity, spirituality, and purity. Whether used in meditation, incorporated into crystal grids, or worn as jewelry, Himalayan Quartz serves as a beacon of enlightenment and a source of high vibrations on your spiritual journey.

      Himalayan Quartz, "The Crystal of Pure Energy," is a remarkable mineral renowned for its exceptional clarity, high vibrations, and profound spiritual significance. Sourced from the majestic Himalayan mountain range, this crystal carries the energy of purity and enlightenment, making it a valuable companion on one's spiritual journey.

      • Clarity and High Vibrations: Himalayan Quartz is celebrated for its clarity and high vibrational frequencies. It is believed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and the attunement to spiritual realms.

      • Spiritual Growth: This crystal supports spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the activation of higher chakras. It is an excellent tool for meditation, channeling, and inner exploration.

      • Purification and Amplification: Himalayan Quartz acts as a purifier of negative energies and an amplifier of positive intentions. It can cleanse and charge other crystals, spaces, and one's aura.


      Chakras: Himalayan Quartz primarily resonates with the Crown chakra (Sahasrara) and the Third Eye chakra (Ajna). It helps open and align these energy centers, promoting spiritual connection and intuitive abilities.

      Zodiacs: Himalayan Quartz is not commonly associated with specific zodiac signs, making it suitable for individuals of various astrological backgrounds who seek its spiritual and purifying benefits.

      Elemental Affinity: Himalayan Quartz is linked to the element of Earth, symbolizing grounding, stability, and the nurturing qualities of the Himalayan mountains. It carries the energy of ancient wisdom.

      Sun Exposure: Himalayan Quartz should be used with care under direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure may affect its vibrational purity. It is advisable to cleanse and recharge it using more gentle methods.

      Water Exposure: Himalayan Quartz is safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble. However, ensure that the water used is clean and pure to maintain its clarity.


      How to Use: Himalayan Quartz offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Incorporate Himalayan Quartz into your meditation practice to enhance your connection with higher consciousness, gain mental clarity, and elevate your spiritual experiences.

      • Crystal Grids: Create crystal grids using Himalayan Quartz as a centerpiece to amplify the energies and intentions of other crystals. This method is effective for healing and manifestation.

      • Energy Cleansing: Use Himalayan Quartz to cleanse the energy of your living spaces, other crystals, and your aura. Its purifying vibrations help remove negativity and promote harmony.

      • Spiritual Guidance: Carry or wear Himalayan Quartz as jewelry or a talisman to benefit from its spiritual guidance and protective energies throughout the day.


                    • Weight: 2.6kg