Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g
Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g

    Unakite Heart One Face Polished 101g


      Unakite is a distinctive and visually captivating mineral known for its unique combination of colors and its association with emotional healing and balance. Composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and quartz, Unakite is celebrated for its harmonizing energies that promote inner peace and balance. Whether used in jewelry, meditation, or as a decorative piece, Unakite is a gentle yet powerful ally in fostering emotional well-being and personal growth.

      Unakite, "The Stone of Balance and Emotional Healing," invites you to embrace its gentle yet transformative energies. Whether you seek emotional healing, balance, or spiritual growth, Unakite serves as a supportive companion on your journey toward well-being and inner harmony.

      • Emotional Healing: Unakite is renowned for its emotional healing properties. It assists in releasing deeply held emotional wounds, promoting self-love, and encouraging a sense of inner peace and harmony.
      • Balancing Energies: This crystal helps balance the emotional and spiritual aspects of one's being. It facilitates a harmonious connection between the heart and mind, fostering clarity and understanding.
      • Spiritual Growth: Unakite is associated with spiritual growth and transformation. It encourages individuals to release past traumas, embrace the present moment, and move forward on their spiritual journey.


      Chakras: Unakite primarily resonates with the Heart (Anahata) Chakra, promoting emotional healing, love, and balance within this energy center.

      Zodiacs: Unakite is not strongly associated with specific zodiac signs, making it a versatile and universally beneficial stone for individuals seeking emotional healing and balance.

      Elemental Affinity: Unakite is linked to the Earth element, symbolizing grounding, stability, and a connection to the natural cycles of life.

      Sun Exposure: Unakite can be exposed to sunlight without harm. However, prolonged exposure may cause colors to fade over time.

      Water Exposure: Unakite is generally safe to cleanse with water. Its composition makes it resistant to water-related damage.


      How to Use: Explore the emotional healing and balancing qualities of Unakite through various applications:

      • Jewelry: Wear Unakite jewelry, such as bracelets or pendants, to carry its harmonizing energies with you throughout the day while enjoying its unique and earthy aesthetic.
      • Meditation: Incorporate Unakite into meditation practices to promote emotional healing and balance. Hold the stone in your hand or place it on your heart center during meditation sessions.
      • Home Decor: Display Unakite in your living spaces as decorative pieces or figurines to infuse the environment with its calming and balancing energies.


              • Weight: 101g