Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving
Lepidolite Ghost Carving

    Lepidolite Ghost Carving


      Lepidolite is a unique and striking mineral known for its lilac to violet hues, often interwoven with silvery-white mica flakes. It is a member of the mica group and is celebrated for its calming and emotionally balancing properties. Lepidolite has a history of use in both crystal healing and spiritual practices, making it a sought-after gemstone.

      Lepidolite, "The Stone of Emotional Balance and Transformation," is a calming and soothing crystal that supports emotional balance and transformation. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or kept as a pocket stone, Lepidolite invites you to embrace serenity and release old patterns. Its lovely lilac color serves as a constant reminder of the peace and emotional well-being it brings to one's life.

      • Emotional Balance: Lepidolite is a stone of emotional balance, helping to soothe and calm turbulent emotions. It encourages a sense of serenity and inner peace.

      • Transformation: This crystal is associated with personal transformation and growth, aiding in releasing old patterns and embracing positive change.


      Chakras: Lepidolite is often associated with the Heart (Anahata) and Third Eye (Ajna) chakras:

      • Heart Chakra (Anahata): Lepidolite encourages emotional healing and balance within the heart space.

      • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): This crystal enhances intuition and inner sight, aiding in personal transformation.

      Zodiacs: Lepidolite is appreciated by individuals of various zodiac signs for its calming and transformative properties.

      Elemental Affinity: Lepidolite is closely connected to the element of Water, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and the flow of inner wisdom.

      Sun Exposure: Lepidolite should be protected from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as this may affect its color and appearance over time.

      Water Exposure: Lepidolite is not water-soluble and can be gently cleansed with water.


      How to Use: Lepidolite offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Use Lepidolite in meditation to access its calming energies, foster emotional balance, and promote personal transformation.

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Lepidolite jewelry to carry its soothing and balancing energies throughout the day while enjoying its lovely lilac color.

      • Pocket Stone: Keep a small piece of Lepidolite in your pocket or purse to benefit from its properties on the go.

      All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.