Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving
Black Obsidian Ghost Carving

    Black Obsidian Ghost Carving


      Obsidian, "The Mirror of Truth and Protection," is a mesmerizing gemstone that reflects your inner self and offers powerful protection. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or included in your sacred space, Obsidian invites you to embrace your inner truth, personal growth, and safeguarding against negativity. Its deep black surface serves as a constant reminder of the depths of self-discovery and protection it provides.

      Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed from molten lava that cools rapidly, creating a glassy, jet-black surface. This stunning and enigmatic gemstone has been revered for its beauty and metaphysical properties for thousands of years. Obsidian is celebrated for its ability to act as a mirror to one's true self, facilitating inner growth, and providing powerful protection against negativity.

      • Truth and Self-Reflection: Obsidian is known for revealing hidden truths and facilitating self-reflection, aiding in personal growth and self-discovery.
      • Protection: This crystal forms a strong shield against negative energies, psychic attacks, and emotional harm, making it a valuable tool for safeguarding one's well-being.
      • Grounding and Cleansing: Obsidian provides grounding and helps cleanse energy, ensuring harmony and balance.

      Chakras: Obsidian primarily resonates with the Root (Muladhara) and Sacral (Swadhisthana) chakras:

      • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Obsidian provides grounding and protection, ensuring a strong foundation for personal growth.
      • Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): This crystal enhances self-reflection, creativity, and emotional balance.

      Zodiacs: Obsidian is appreciated by individuals of various zodiac signs for its protective and truth-revealing properties.

      Elemental Affinity: Obsidian is often associated with the element of Earth, symbolizing grounding, protection, and cleansing.

      Sun Exposure: Obsidian is safe to be exposed to sunlight for cleansing and recharging.

      Water Exposure: Obsidian can be gently cleansed with water, as it is not water-soluble.

      How to Use: Obsidian offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Use Obsidian in meditation to explore the depths of your inner self, reveal hidden truths, and enhance self-reflection.
      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Obsidian jewelry to carry its protective energies throughout the day while connecting with your inner truth.
      • Altar or Sacred Space: Place Obsidian on your altar or in your sacred space to create an atmosphere of grounding, protection, and cleansing.

      All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.