Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g
Golden Mica Natural 210g

    Golden Mica Natural 210g


      Mica, with its shimmering and reflective layers, is a unique mineral that holds significance in both the physical and metaphysical realms. Known for its ability to provide clarity and insight, Mica is often referred to as the "Reflective Veil Stone." Whether utilized in artistic creations, incorporated into spiritual practices, or admired for its aesthetic appeal, Mica invites individuals to peer through the veil of illusion and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

      Mica, "The Reflective Veil of Inner Clarity," encourages individuals to look beyond the surface and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. Whether used as a creative element or a spiritual tool, Mica's reflective nature invites individuals on a journey of self-discovery and clarity.

      • Inner Clarity: Mica is celebrated for its role in enhancing inner clarity and self-awareness. Its reflective properties are believed to help individuals see through illusions, fostering a deeper understanding of their true selves.

      • Emotional Balance: This mineral is associated with promoting emotional balance by dissipating negative energies and providing a soothing influence. It encourages calmness and clarity during times of emotional turbulence.

      • Artistic Expression: Mica's unique appearance, with its reflective layers, makes it a popular choice in artistic creations. It is often used in paintings, crafts, and spiritual artwork to symbolize the unveiling of hidden truths.


      Chakras: Mica is primarily associated with the Third Eye (Ajna) and Crown (Sahasrara) chakras:

      • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Mica's energies resonate with the Third Eye, enhancing intuition, insight, and spiritual vision.

      • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Mica connects with the Crown chakra, facilitating a deeper connection with higher states of consciousness and spiritual understanding.

      Zodiacs: While Mica is not commonly associated with specific zodiac signs, its reflective nature can be appreciated by individuals of various astrological backgrounds for its ability to provide clarity and insight.

      Elemental Affinity: Mica is closely linked to the element of Air, symbolizing clarity, communication, and the power of thought. It encourages a fresh perspective and mental clarity.

      Sun Exposure: Mica can be exposed to sunlight without harm. Its reflective nature may create captivating effects when illuminated, adding to its visual appeal.

      Water Exposure: Mica is water-resistant and can be gently cleansed with water. However, prolonged exposure to water is not recommended to preserve its reflective properties.


      How to Use: Explore the unique qualities of Mica through various applications:

      • Artistic Endeavors: Incorporate Mica into paintings, crafts, or spiritual artwork to symbolize the unveiling of hidden truths and the journey toward inner clarity.

      • Meditation Aid: Use Mica in meditation to enhance introspection, gain insight, and foster a clear connection with your inner self.

      • Home Decor: Display Mica in your living spaces to add a touch of reflective beauty. Its presence can serve as a reminder to seek clarity and truth in all aspects of life.


        • Weight: 210g