Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg
Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg

    Tiger Iron Natural Cut Base 1.3kg


      Tiger Iron is a captivating gemstone that combines the powerful energies of Tiger's Eye, Hematite, and Red Jasper. Known for its rich blend of colors and striking patterns, Tiger Iron is more than just visually appealing—it is celebrated for its grounding qualities and the harmonious integration of its component minerals. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or placed in your surroundings, Tiger Iron is a symbol of vitality, strength, and the balanced flow of energy.

      Tiger Iron, "The Grounding Stone of Vitality and Strength," invites you to embrace the harmonious blend of grounding and vitalizing energies. Whether used for its metaphysical properties or admired for its visual allure, Tiger Iron serves as a reminder of the balanced and vibrant flow of life force energy within and around you.

      • Grounding Energy: Tiger Iron is prized for its grounding properties, helping individuals connect with the Earth's energies. It fosters stability, balance, and a sense of security, making it an ideal stone for grounding during meditation.
      • Vitality and Strength: The combination of Tiger's Eye, Hematite, and Red Jasper infuses Tiger Iron with vital life force energy. It is believed to enhance physical strength, endurance, and overall vitality.
      • Balancing Energies: Tiger Iron harmonizes the energies of its component minerals, creating a synergistic effect. It balances the yin and yang energies within the body, promoting a sense of equilibrium and well-being.


      Chakras: Tiger Iron resonates with multiple chakras, primarily the Root (Muladhara) and Sacral (Svadhishthana) chakras:

      • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Tiger Iron's grounding energy aligns with the Root chakra, fostering stability, security, and a connection to the Earth.
      • Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): This gemstone also influences the Sacral chakra, encouraging a harmonious flow of creative and sexual energies.

      Zodiacs: Tiger Iron is not specifically associated with particular zodiac signs, making it a versatile and beneficial stone for individuals of various astrological backgrounds.

      Elemental Affinity: Tiger Iron is linked to the Earth element, symbolizing grounding, stability, and the nurturing support of the Earth.

      Sun Exposure: Tiger Iron can be exposed to sunlight without harm, although prolonged exposure may affect its color and appearance.

      Water Exposure: While Tiger Iron is generally safe to cleanse with water, it is advisable to avoid prolonged submersion to preserve its integrity and prevent potential rusting of the Hematite component.


      How to Use: Experience the grounding and vitalizing qualities of Tiger Iron through various applications:

      • Meditation: Incorporate Tiger Iron into meditation to enhance grounding and stability. Hold it in your hand or place it on the Root chakra area to promote a sense of security.
      • Jewelry: Wear Tiger Iron jewelry to carry its grounding and vitalizing energies throughout the day. Its rich colors and patterns make it a stylish and energetic accessory.
      • Home Decor: Display Tiger Iron in your living spaces to infuse the environment with grounding and balancing energies. Its aesthetic appeal adds a touch of natural beauty to any space.


          • Weight: 1.3kg