Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small
Howlite Heart | Small

    Howlite Heart | Small


      Howlite, "The Stone of Calmness and Awareness," is a crystal of serenity and mindfulness. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or integrated into your daily life, Howlite serves as a reminder of the importance of finding inner peace, promoting self-awareness, and maintaining emotional balance.

      Howlite, "The Stone of Calmness and Awareness," is a beautiful and soothing mineral known for its ability to promote tranquility and heightened awareness. With its unique white marble-like appearance and gentle energy, Howlite is often used for meditation, stress relief, and personal growth.

      • Calmness and Relaxation: Howlite is prized for its calming and stress-reducing properties. It can help individuals find inner peace and tranquility during challenging times.

      • Awareness and Insight: This crystal encourages self-awareness, emotional expression, and a deeper understanding of one's feelings and experiences.

      • Positive Energy: Howlite is believed to dispel negative energies, promote positive behaviors, and facilitate a sense of emotional well-being.


      Chakras: Howlite primarily resonates with the Crown chakra (Sahasrara) and the Third Eye chakra (Ajna). It helps open and balance these energy centers, supporting spiritual growth and mental clarity.

      Zodiacs: Howlite is not commonly associated with specific zodiac signs, making it suitable for individuals of various astrological backgrounds who seek its calming and awareness-enhancing benefits.

      Elemental Affinity: Howlite is linked to the element of Water, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and the flowing nature of inner awareness.

      Sun Exposure: Howlite is generally safe under sunlight. However, it's advisable to protect it from prolonged exposure, as it may affect its color and appearance over time.

      Water Exposure: Howlite can be gently cleansed with water. It is not water-soluble and can maintain its natural beauty when cared for properly.


      How to Use: Howlite offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Incorporate Howlite into your meditation practice to enhance inner awareness, reduce stress, and achieve a state of calmness.

      • Jewelry: Wear Howlite as jewelry, such as bracelets or necklaces, to carry its calming and awareness-promoting energies with you throughout the day.

      • Stress Relief: Place Howlite under your pillow or keep it in your living spaces to create a soothing and stress-free environment. It can help alleviate anxiety and promote emotional balance.

      • Communication: Use Howlite during conversations and communication to encourage open and honest self-expression, making it easier to convey your thoughts and feelings.


      Size Range: Approximately 40x40x15mm

      All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you