Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g
Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g

    Fire and Ice Polished Point 36g


      Fire and Ice Quartz, with its harmonious fusion of elements, embodies a powerful symbol of balance, spiritual growth, and the amplification of energy. It is a versatile gem cherished for its diverse benefits and positive vibrations.

      The name "Quartz" finds its roots in the German word "kwards," signifying its remarkable hardness. Fire and Ice Quartz, while initially discovered in Brazil, has since been replicated worldwide in its man-made forms.


      Common Healing Benefits:

      1. Soul Soother: This attunement crystal promotes spiritual growth and connection with the cosmic realm, aiding in the healing of past life traumas, leading to inner peace, happiness, and strength.

      2. Focus Enhancer: Fire and Ice Quartz maintains mental clarity, increasing concentration and enabling effective strategizing and execution.

      3. Negative Energy Shield: With its dual properties of Ice and Fire, this crystal aligns your energy flow and prevents the intrusion of negative energies.


      The Balance of Elements: Fire and Ice Quartz epitomizes the balance between fire and ice, light and darkness. The crystal's name, "Fire and Ice," reflects its creation process—subjected to both high and low temperatures.

      Ancient Significance: Among the indigenous tribes of Brazil, Fire and Ice Quartz held profound importance. Brazilian Indians regarded it as a potent source of positive energy and a guardian against negative forces. They incorporated it into sacred rituals before hunting, recognizing its value as a beneficial hunting aid.

      Foreign Adoption: With the availability of man-made Ice Fire Quartz in other regions, foreign cultures began harnessing its attributes for good fortune and protection.

      Healing Properties and Benefits: Fire and Ice Quartz harmonizes all body chakras, from the Crown Chakra at the top, through the Heart Chakra at the center, down to the Root Chakra at the base.



      Spiritual and Metaphysical Properties: Fire and Ice Quartz radiates positivity and higher vibrational energy, boasting profound spiritual and metaphysical qualities:

      1. Chakra Activation and Balance: A rarity among crystals, Fire and Ice Quartz not only activates all chakras but also balances them.

      2. Energy Amplification: It acts as an energy amplifier, dispelling negative energy blockages and providing instant energy recharging.

      3. Enhancement of Psychic Abilities: Through chakra balancing and clearing, Fire and Ice Quartz enhances psychic abilities, aids in astral projection, and supports spiritual levitation.

      This crystal embodies the essences of both fire and water, attuned to vibrations from both heat and cold, as well as light and darkness.

      Fire and Ice Quartz serves as an inspirational crystal for new beginnings, infusing your thoughts with hope and optimism to help you pursue your aspirations and conquer obstacles.



        • Weight: 36gm