Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large
Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large

    Zebra Aragonite Free Form Bowl | Large


      Aragonite, "The Earth Healer and Grounding Crystal," is a gem of stability, emotional healing, and grounding energy. Whether used in meditation, displayed in your living spaces, or worn as jewelry, Aragonite connects you with the Earth's steady and nurturing embrace, offering stability, courage, and emotional balance. Its intricate formations and natural beauty are a reminder of the grounding force found in the heart of the Earth.

      • Grounding and Stability: Aragonite is known for its grounding energy, making it an excellent choice for those seeking stability and a strong connection to the Earth.

      • Emotional Healing: This crystal is associated with emotional healing and is believed to soothe anxiety, stress, and emotional turbulence.

      • Root Chakra Activation: Aragonite aligns with the Root chakra, promoting a sense of security, courage, and a solid foundation for personal growth.


      Chakras: Aragonite is primarily associated with the Root chakra:

      • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Aragonite supports grounding, courage, and emotional stability, fostering a sense of security and a solid foundation for personal growth.

      Zodiacs: Aragonite does not have specific zodiac associations but is appreciated by individuals of various astrological backgrounds for its grounding and stabilizing properties.

      Elemental Affinity: Aragonite is closely linked to the Earth element, symbolizing grounding, stability, and the nurturing energy of the natural world.

      Sun Exposure: Aragonite is generally safe for exposure to sunlight, which can enhance its grounding properties.

      Water Exposure: Aragonite is safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble.


      How to Use: Aragonite offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Use Aragonite in meditation to connect with its grounding energy, find inner stability, and release stress and anxiety.

      • Home Decor: Display Aragonite in your living spaces to create an atmosphere of grounding and emotional balance. It can serve as a reminder of the Earth's stability.

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Aragonite jewelry to carry its grounding and stabilizing energies with you while enjoying its natural beauty.


      Zebra Stone, also known as Zebra Rock, is a distinctive and visually striking sedimentary rock characterized by its unique patterns resembling the stripes of a zebra. It is primarily found in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia and is celebrated for its intriguing appearance and metaphysical properties.

      While Zebra Stone is valued for its aesthetic appeal and metaphysical properties, it's essential to note that the beliefs in the stone's spiritual effects are based on individual perspectives and should not substitute professional medical or psychological advice.

      1. Distinctive Patterns: Zebra Stone is renowned for its alternating dark and light stripes, creating a pattern that resembles the stripes on a zebra. The contrast between the colors gives the stone a captivating and eye-catching appearance.

      2. Sedimentary Origin: This rock is formed through a process of sedimentation and mineral replacement. The distinct banding is the result of the deposition of different minerals over time.

      3. Mineral Composition: Zebra Stone is composed of a variety of minerals, including quartz, clay, and the iron oxide minerals goethite and hematite. These minerals contribute to the unique colors and patterns.

      4. Hardness: Zebra Stone has a hardness comparable to other sedimentary rocks, making it suitable for various artistic and decorative applications.


      Metaphysical and Spiritual Properties:

      1. Balance and Harmony: Zebra Stone is believed to bring balance and harmony to the wearer or possessor. It is thought to balance the masculine and feminine energies within an individual.

      2. Grounding and Stability: The grounding properties of Zebra Stone are said to promote stability and a sense of security. It is believed to help individuals stay centered during times of change or upheaval.

      3. Enhanced Psychic Abilities: Some metaphysical enthusiasts believe that Zebra Stone can enhance psychic abilities and intuition, helping individuals connect with higher realms of consciousness.



      1. Ornamental and Decorative: Zebra Stone is often used for decorative purposes, such as creating sculptures, carvings, and ornamental objects. Its unique patterns make it a sought-after material for art and design.

      2. Jewelry: Craftsmen use Zebra Stone to create unique and distinctive jewelry pieces, including beads, pendants, and cabochons.

      3. Spiritual Practices: Some individuals incorporate Zebra Stone into meditation or energy work to benefit from its grounding and balancing properties.

      4. Collector's Item: Due to its limited geographical occurrence, Zebra Stone is sometimes collected and admired by enthusiasts and collectors of unique and rare rocks.


      • Size: 10cm

       All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.