Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g
Amazonite Paper Weight 235g

    Amazonite Paper Weight 235g

    $66.00 $80.00

      Amazonite, "The Soothing River Stone," is a gem of calm and harmony. With its tranquil energies and its capacity to enhance communication and self-expression, it remains a beloved choice for those seeking emotional equilibrium and peaceful interactions. Whether worn as jewelry, used in meditation, or as part of your decor, Amazonite's soothing presence is a reminder of the serenity found along the banks of a gentle river.

      • Tranquil Energy: Amazonite exudes a tranquil and calming energy, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to reduce stress, soothe anxiety, and find emotional equilibrium.

      • Harmony and Balance: This stone is associated with promoting harmony and balance within relationships and communication. It fosters a sense of peace and empathy.

      • Self-Expression: Amazonite encourages open and honest self-expression, helping individuals communicate their thoughts and feelings with clarity and confidence.

       Chakras: Amazonite primarily resonates with the Heart and Throat chakras:

      • Heart Chakra (Anahata): Amazonite fosters emotional balance, compassion, and harmonious relationships.

      • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): It supports clear and authentic communication, helping individuals express themselves honestly and with empathy.

      Zodiacs: Amazonite is often associated with the zodiac signs of Virgo and Aquarius, amplifying their innate qualities and promoting emotional well-being.

      Elemental Affinity: Amazonite is linked to the element of Water, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and the flowing nature of communication.

      Sun Exposure: Amazonite is generally safe for brief exposure to sunlight, but prolonged exposure may affect its color. Exercise caution if you wish to preserve its natural hue.

      Water Exposure: Amazonite can be cleansed with water without harm, as it is not water-soluble.


      How to Use: Amazonite offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Amazonite jewelry to carry its soothing and balancing energies throughout the day while enjoying its natural beauty.

      • Meditation: Use Amazonite as a meditation aid to enhance tranquility and foster emotional balance. It can be held or placed on the body to promote relaxation.

      • Home Decor: Incorporate Amazonite into your living spaces as decorative pieces or figurines to create a serene ambiance and encourage harmonious interactions.

      • Communication Aid: Keep Amazonite nearby during conversations or presentations to facilitate clear and honest communication.