Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large
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    Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline House Protection | XXX Large


      The combination of the unconditional love of rose quartz and the protective qualities of Black tourmaline, when these two crystals are placed in the doorway of your home, facing outwards Black tourmaline in the Right corner of the door and Rose Quartz on the Left of the door it creates a powerful barrier around your doorway where only the highest vibration of Unconditional love can enter through the doorway into your home. This combination of crystals has been used for many years and works well with protecting your home or business from uninvited people or ill-intentioned energies. The combination of these crystals can also be a great tool for mediation by using Black Tourmaline in the Right hand and Rose Quartz in the Left you are guided and supported as you explore the shadow aspects of yourself.


      Rose Quartz is a mesmerizing pink crystal revered for its gentle, nurturing energy and its profound connection to matters of the heart. Known as the "Stone of Unconditional Love," Rose Quartz has been cherished throughout history for its associations with love, compassion, and emotional healing. Whether worn as jewelry, used in meditation, or placed in living spaces, Rose Quartz invites a harmonious and loving energy into the lives of those who embrace its tender embrace.

      Rose Quartz, "The Stone of Unconditional Love," is a gentle yet potent crystal that invites love and compassion into every aspect of life. Whether used for personal healing, enhancing relationships, or as a beautiful adornment, Rose Quartz is a timeless symbol of love's transformative power.

      • Unconditional Love: Rose Quartz is renowned for its ability to promote unconditional love, compassion, and understanding. It encourages a deep connection with oneself and others.
      • Emotional Healing: This crystal is a powerful ally in emotional healing, helping to release past traumas, soothe emotional wounds, and foster self-love and acceptance.
      • Harmony and Relationships: Rose Quartz is associated with fostering harmony in relationships, be it romantic, familial, or platonic. It encourages open communication and empathy.


      Chakras: Rose Quartz primarily resonates with the Heart (Anahata) chakra, enhancing its properties of love, compassion, and emotional balance.

      Zodiacs: While not tied to specific zodiac signs, Rose Quartz is universally appreciated for its loving and harmonizing energies by individuals of various astrological backgrounds.

      Elemental Affinity: Rose Quartz is often linked to the element of Water, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and the flowing nature of love.

      Sun Exposure: Rose Quartz is generally safe for brief exposure to sunlight, but prolonged exposure may fade its color over time.

      Water Exposure: Rose Quartz is safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble.


      How to Use: Discover the various ways in which Rose Quartz can infuse your life with love:

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Rose Quartz jewelry to carry its loving and nurturing energy throughout the day while enjoying its soft pink hue.
      • Meditation: Use Rose Quartz in meditation to open the heart, cultivate self-love, and invite a sense of peace and emotional healing.
      • Home Decor: Place Rose Quartz in your living spaces to create a loving and harmonious atmosphere, promoting positive energy and emotional well-being.


        Tourmaline is a fascinating gemstone known for its diverse range of colors and powerful metaphysical properties. With a unique ability to generate electrical charges and an innate connection to various chakras, Tourmaline is celebrated for its protective qualities and energy-cleansing capabilities. Whether used in jewelry, carried as a talisman, or incorporated into energy work, Tourmaline serves as a shield against negativity and a conduit for positive vibrations.

        Tourmaline, "The Stone of Protection and Energy Cleansing," invites you to embrace its diverse colors and dynamic energy. Whether utilized for its protective properties or admired for its vibrant aesthetics, Tourmaline stands as a resilient guardian in the realm of crystals, fostering a sense of security and energetic clarity.

        • Protection: Tourmaline is renowned for its protective energy, creating a shield against negative energies, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic pollution. It acts as a powerful guardian, keeping one's energy field clear and secure.
        • Energy Cleansing: This gemstone has the ability to cleanse and purify energy. It absorbs and transmutes negative energies into positive ones, promoting a sense of balance and harmony.
        • Electrical Properties: Tourmaline is piezoelectric, meaning it can generate an electrical charge when subjected to pressure or heat. This unique property adds to its energetic qualities, making it a dynamic and responsive crystal.


        Chakras: Tourmaline is associated with several chakras, and different colors of Tourmaline resonate with specific energy centers:

        • Black Tourmaline (Schrol): Root (Muladhara) Chakra
        • Green Tourmaline (Verdelite): Heart (Anahata) Chakra
        • Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite): Heart (Anahata) Chakra
        • Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite): Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

        Zodiacs: Tourmaline is not specifically associated with particular zodiac signs, making it a versatile and universally beneficial stone for individuals of all astrological backgrounds.

        Elemental Affinity: Tourmaline is linked to the Earth element, symbolizing grounding, stability, and the protective energies of the Earth.

        Sun Exposure: Tourmaline can be exposed to sunlight without harm, but prolonged exposure may cause some colors to fade. Exercise caution to preserve its vibrant hues.

        Water Exposure: Tourmaline is generally safe to cleanse with water. However, it's essential to consider the specific variety and any accompanying minerals that may affect its reaction to water.


        How to Use: Discover the protective and energy-cleansing attributes of Tourmaline through various applications:

        • Jewelry: Wear Tourmaline jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, or rings, to benefit from its protective energy throughout the day. Different colors can be chosen based on specific intentions.
        • Talisman: Carry a piece of Tourmaline as a protective talisman or amulet. Place it in your pocket or purse to create a shield against negative energies.
        • Energy Work: Use Tourmaline in energy work or crystal grids to create a protective and purified space. Its ability to transmute energies makes it a valuable tool for energy practitioners.


          Weight Range: 250-400g (each piece)

          All unique in design and intuitively each piece is hand-picked for you.