Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg
Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg

    Anandalite Cluster 1.3kg


      Anandalite, "The Crystal of Divine Bliss," is a gem of unparalleled beauty and metaphysical significance. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or displayed as decor, Anandalite connects us with the experience of joy, spiritual awakening, and the ethereal realms of divine bliss. Its iridescence serves as a constant reminder of the ever-present potential for higher states of consciousness and inner peace.

      • Joy and Bliss: Anandalite is associated with the experience of joy, happiness, and divine bliss. It is believed to uplift one's spirit and promote a sense of inner peace.

      • Spiritual Awakening: This crystal is considered a tool for spiritual awakening, helping individuals connect with higher consciousness and explore their inner potential.

      • Iridescent Energy: Anandalite's iridescent sheen is thought to enhance one's connection with the ethereal and the realms of the unseen.


      Chakras: Anandalite is often associated with the Crown and Higher Crown chakras:

      • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Anandalite assists in opening the Crown chakra, promoting spiritual awakening, divine connection, and inner peace.

      • Higher Crown Chakra: Some practitioners consider the Higher Crown chakra to be the energy center where Anandalite is most active, connecting with higher states of consciousness and spiritual insight.

      Zodiacs: Anandalite does not have specific zodiac associations but is appreciated by individuals of diverse astrological backgrounds for its iridescent and spiritual qualities.

      Elemental Affinity: Anandalite's elemental affinity aligns with the ethereal, symbolizing spiritual connection, and the ever-expansive realm of the unseen.

      Sun Exposure: Anandalite can be exposed to sunlight to enhance its iridescence and energy. However, like other iridescent crystals, care should be taken not to overexpose it to harsh sunlight.

      Water Exposure: Anandalite is safe to cleanse with water, as it is not water-soluble.


      How to Use: Anandalite offers various ways to explore its potential:

      • Meditation: Use Anandalite as a meditation focal point to connect with higher states of consciousness, inner joy, and divine energy.

      • Jewelry: Adorn yourself with Anandalite jewelry to carry its iridescent and uplifting energies throughout the day while enjoying its natural beauty.

      • Decor: Display Anandalite in your living spaces to create an atmosphere of joy, spiritual connection, and elevated energy.


        • Weight: 1.3kg